Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Life & it's twists & turns

It's been awhile since I have felt like writing anything. I have a book in progress,nothing written in months. It's funny how the things that happen in other peoples lives effect our own.Im trying really hard to get back into the "creative" mode, but with an emotional vampire by my side,that's hard to do. His depression becomes MY depression. His apathy towards life bleeds into my joy for life.It really isn't fair. This has been going on for a very long time. The obvious solution would be to walk out. Easier said than done. If I walk, he has no way to support himself.No way to get to or from a job (as if he were even looking). I suppose when you take Vows,you better be DAMN sure you understand the ramifications of "for better or worse". In the State where I reside, Alcoholism is a valid reason for filing for divorce. BUT divorce leaves him privy to HALF of what I have worked for over the past 13 years.BULLSHIT.I stand at the crossroads of my "materialism" & peace of mind.To understand abuse isn't just about being punched in the face, it's also about someone mis-treating you on a day to day basis.Mind games are abuse.Lack of intimacy is abuse.Letting someone else control you with their anger..ABUSE. I don't like confrontation,especially when I know im right. From now on, my blog will be a sort of diary of letting go.Step by step I will navigate my way out of this.If your reading this & you too are stuck in marital purgatory,perhaps my actions will inspire you to make the tough choices & do whats best for you & your family.I have the support of friends & family,Im the one that has to deal with his temper tantrums,his denial's,his depression..etc... I will keep you informed.Step by step.Peace my friends.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I haven't been asleep yet tonight. I sat on the floor by my daughters bed & balled my eyes out as she was weeping in her sleep.The victim of domestic violence. I should have seen this coming. I KNOW the signs. I have lived that nightmare in my own life, but she's to sweet,to gentle,to kind hearted to know how to defend herself.This was the man that was so sick last year with some weird disease,he had seizures,couldn't even feed himself,cried like a baby because he thought she was going to leave him.I wish she had. Every time he thought she was going to leave he faked a seizure to make her feel guilty & stay.Now the disgusting part.CONTROL.He moved her 100 miles from her friends & family.She wasn't allowed to answer her phone when anyone of our family called her.If she went to the grocery store she had to be home within 20 minutes or he would start blowing up her phone.She wasn't allowed to dye her hair,had to remove all her piercings (including earrings) No make-up was allowed..ever.she had to keep her phone on vibrate in case one of us called or texted her so he didnt hear it. Now my 2 grandsons. One he hates. the other he favors.the older one was CONSTANTLY punished.Had to rush thru his meals to take HIS dogs out.I gave them a WII last christmas, of course that was taken away immediately.The Laptop I gave my grandson is sitting here smashed, as is my daughters cell phone,and the side of her PC kicked in.It all came to a head last week. I got a call from him telling me I had better come get her (he took her car keys)I told him to have her call me,(he was calling from her phone) He said she didn't have a phone anymore & hung up.I could hear her crying in the background. I called her phone back & to him "If I don't get a call from my daughter in the next 5 minutes, I was sending the police to her house" I didn't get a call. I called the Gaston Co. police. they went to her house,knocked on the door & while he was choking her THEY LEFT!!!!!! because he wouldn't open the door.He choked her twice,punched her in the face & spit in her face twice.She walked 2 miles in a torrential down pour to a nieces house to get away from him (with the boys).from there an officer took her to a safe house till i could get there.she pressed assault charges.The magistrate told us to drive by his house & see if he was there. he was. they told us to call them & they would come arrest him so she could get her clothes & the kids stuff.we called the cops & confirmed he was there. the Sgt called me back & told me they had been out there twice that day to arrest him but no one was there. he was hiding.the Sgt then told me he wasnt wasting his time coming out to the house,I was furious, and asked for his name then hung up the phone. a few seconds later he called back & said they were on their way. When the officers got there they looked around & said he wasn't there. I got a lecture about how I wasted his precious time. I asked if he would stay while i climbed thru a window & made sure he wasn't there...at least they did that.I removed the screen, then popped the window out & stuck my leg thru. the little bastard knocked me back out the window..THEN the cops flew in on the place.He faked a seizure so they would call an ambulance.he stayed at the hosp till around 3am. the magistrate promised no bond.he went to jail & was bonded out (unsecured) by 5pm the next day.This is an extremely violent misogynistic,insecure,Napoleon complexed NAZI son of a whore.The fact that he so brutally abused & brainwashed my daughter has me FURIOUS, and before it's over I may go to jail.Im ok with that. I am beside myself that i just didnt go get her when I saw this starting,but moms cant just do that.I know this is a hella rant, but i plead with all you mothers & dads out there, if your gut tells you something..LISTEN to it. my daughter is a precious young woman who wouldn't hurt a fly. this bastard locked her Chihuahua in a cage & starved it half to death..but sophie is gonna be fine, she's eating to her hearts content.As for me, im not so fine. The things I have in my heart are so unlike me. I want revenge. I want pain,hurt & destruction to come to him..but I cant do that.I have to be here for her to help mend a broken spirit.This too shall pass. Peace.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

People living with out Water & Electric in Cali

This link is what inspired my thoughts here. http://projectworldawareness.com/2010/07/10003/ My father called it living on Champagne tastes with a Beer budget. Americans are for the most part, a spoiled,living above their means type of people. I know many that have maxed out their credit cards to take elaborate vacations,or buy things I could only dream of.I know a lot of people that lost their homes to foreclosure (I never knew how they afforded them in the first place.)My home is simple,quite cozy & very welcoming.It is also paid for.I stay at least 2 months ahead on all my bills & never buy anything unless I pay cash.All the hype about credit scores & constant junk mail offering me credit cards to put/keep me in debt is straight up bullshit. The secret to a happy life is to be happy with what you have,blessed that you have it & envy no one else. Get by with what you can afford (FYI The Jone's can't afford 1/2 the crap they flaunt.)Years ago when I was a young mother, I lived on a farm in Tennessee.I became friends with a wise old woman who taught me how to make quilts,soap,candles,can food,dress out a deer,hog or anything else.If life were to go back to basics for me, I KNOW I could survive & probably be a lot happier.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My lil angels

Most people that know me, also know that besides being a private duty Nurse, Im a Nanny to the twins in the picture.These two little imps are 2 1/2 years old & keep me on my toes! Katie is the more dominant of the two. This pic was taken on the deck of the house in Blowing Rock NC. 5 mins after the pic was taken, Katie went over to a bowl full of rain water..of course Jake followed (Pete & repeat)Katie started flicking the water in Jake's face. Jake didn't find this as amusing as Katie did. wait for it... about 2 seconds later Jake dumped the whole bowl of water on Katie.Katie learned a new word that day, one of my personal favorites. Karma.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

More domestic violence

Here we are again.One of my biggest reasons for speaking out has reared it's ugly head yet again.The fact that Mel Gibson is a celebrity has jack to do with it, it's already been established he's a narcissistic,hateful human being.A woman on Larry King said "He did this to the mother of his child". WTF difference should THAT make?? He did "it" to a woman. Period.Knocked two teeth out of her mouth, I have experienced that personally & it takes ungodly force to actually DO that (not a movie punch).The audio rants are venomous attacks,vile to even listen to.This from a man who brought us "The passion of Christ".The only reason I give a rat's ass about him & using him in this blog is maybe...just maybe..some Judge some where will FINALLY make an example out of him. I was more than let down when Mickey Rourke's take on it was "Fuck the bitch".I don't care if she was the most dastardly bitch on the planet,THIS was wrong.Men, learn to walk AWAY! RUN away if you have to, but keep your fucking hands to yourself! I find myself in a bit of a mess over this,normally my stance would be "People don't have the right to lay hands on anyone, male or female" But right about now I'd love nothing more than to beat the wheels off Mel Gibson & any other woman abuser.If you have EVER hit a woman,or verbally abused someone who thought you hung the moon, you too are an asshole of the enth degree.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lindsay Lohan's Lowdown

I swore I wasn't going to do this. Lindsay was never one of my favorite actresses, but then I watched her in a few movies & had a change of heart. I liked her.Sadly she fell into the Hollyweird lifestyle & couldn't handle it. Others like Paris Hilton have secure family backgrounds, Mothers who care,Fathers who are there for them.Lindsay Lohan's parents have their own agenda.Lindsay was hung out to dry. That being said, I do have enormous compassion for a young woman who has gone so far off course, with NO one their to even give a damn. Now on to the really fucked up part. Lohan sat in court balling her eyes out. Not out of remorse for her misdeeds, but clearly for her own selfish losses. 1.)Her party life came to a screeching halt.2.)No friends 3.)No one of value in her life to give a damn. I believe I would cry to.So we all feel outraged that the "bitch" of Judge did her job. Around here you would get 12 months in jail.Period. What about all the court dates she snubbed her nose at? Her great climax? To sit in the Court room with FUCK U painted on her fingernail, for the Judge to see. Apparently she saw it clearly.90 days jail, 90 days rehab.Personally I think she should go to rehab first & experience jail sober.Hollyweird is a forgiving town ie:Robert Downey Jr., Anna Nicole Smith, Britney Spears, even the bastard of a douche Roman Polanski has supporters. Lindsay, if she cleans up can still have a career.The questions that hang heavy in the air..does she want to clean up? CAN she? Or will she just end up as another child star tragedy? I hope not.Everyone has demons to contend with,but before she can start to heal she has to learn to have respect for herself & others.Lindsay I wish you well. I hope you make it through & stand tough.The message on your finger nail states you still have some growing up to do, I hope you live long enough to do it. Peace kiddo.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Women with curves

The posted link is what inspired this blog. All the girls in Hollyweird these days are starving themselves to death to be desirable.I find that gross, disgusting & beyond reason.Why is it that the men that always want this type of "Barbie doll" are usually middle age & really not anything to brag about? Women were ment to be curvy,soft & have bodies different from that of men.I wonder about men that seek out flat chested, bony girls..do they secretly desire little boys? Surprisingly it's the older men that have the obsession with the coat rack chicks. I know a lot of younger men that constantly chase after me (Im a woman with curves).Im damn proud of it to. I love my cleavage,the soft curves of my hips & the shape of my ass. Back in the day the real bombshells were women who were built like real T & A ladies. One of the greatest compliments: I bent over & my man said I had a heart shaped ass..& he adored it.So for all the bone babes out there, I feel sorry for you. You get all the shallow men, while ladies of curves get all the top shelf guys.

Monday, June 28, 2010

With Love I'll remember you

Your hand in mine, your last breath you took.
Your heart stopped.
My heart shook.
You left this world, finally tonight,
No pain nor sadness, your soul took flight.
You called me Dark Angel & squeezed my hand,
I slipped a tear for a precious man.
I watched your throat swallow it's last time,
You couldn't tell the lump in mine.
Your family there I had to be strong,
At home now Im weak,but not for long.
For the Moon is bright, Im sure it's you,
showing me a path steadfast & true.
All your wisdom & all your years,
just wouldn't tolerate to many tears.
There's work to be done, for others in need,
You gave inspiration I shall heed.
This hot summer night, with a mist in my eye,
kissed your forehead & bid you goodbye.
So dear man your wife awaits,
she'll guide you from here to Heavens Gates,
I'll watch over those you left behind,
Till we meet again sweet friend of mine.
With much love.Goodbye.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


An old Irishman lay dying in his bed.
While suffering the agonies of impending death, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favorite cheese scones wafting up the stairs.
He gathered his remaining strength, and lifted himself from the bed.

Leaning against the wall, he slowly made his way out of the bedroom, and
with even greater effort, gripping the railing with both hands, he crawled
With labored breath, he leaned against the door frame,
gazing into the kitchen.

Were it not for death's agony, he would have thought himself already in heaven, for there, spread out upon waxed paper on the kitchen table were dozens of his favorite cheese scones! Was it heaven? Or was it one final act of heroic love from his devoted Irish wife of sixty years, seeing to it that he left this world a happy man?

Mustering one great final effort, he threw himself towards the table, landing on his knees in a rumpled posture.
His parched lips parted, he could almost taste the cheese scone before it was in his mouth, seemingly bringing him back to life.

The aged and withered hand trembled on its way to the nearest scone at the edge of the table, when his hand was suddenly smacked with a spatula by his wife.

"Fuck off!! " she said, "They're for the funeral

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Son of Anarchy

I got a phone call the other night..2am. THOSE are never good calls.The last one was New Years Eve..both sons out on motorcycles. It didn't end well.Anyway I digress.I answered the phone with my Credit Card in hand..but I was floored at the convo that followed.I thought he was a bit drunk. he was not. He just wanted to shoot the shit with mom. How kool is THAT? He told me he used to sneak into my poem books when he was little.He told me my writing blew him away even back then. He thanked me for making him the man he was today (I was so proud). He has my eyes,my temper & my ability for forgiveness.He has my love of life,my ability to over come bullshit.He has my heart.He knows you treat people the way you want to be treated.Most of my friends that have FB & kids tell me their kids won't allow them to say "I love you" on their wall..everyone of my kids posts "I love you mom" regularly.My boys kiss me in public, in front of their friends.They would fight to death if anyone ever harmed me.It's moments like these & phone calls like those that make raising 4 kids as a single mom totally worth every second of it.They KNOW who & what I am, they accept my flaws & treat them as assets.So it appears that I have done well with this child rearing thang. I am blessed.I love each & every one of you. BTW I would fight to the death for all of you too. Love.."Ma Dukes"..or as one calls me "The mother ship"

Friday, June 25, 2010

Two weeks

I can't get this off my mind tonight, so I figured I'd blog.I have been taking care of a man for the past four years. I started working for him when he was 99 years old. I didn't think the job would last long (for obvious reasons).But it has lasted long enough for me to become attached to him.The sun is now setting on his long & wonderful life,but no matter how I play it out in my head it still sucks. Mr.B would be 103 on July 30,but the Dr. sez that's not gonna happen.(Heart cracks a bit).This man has lived 102 YEARS.He founded the Boys & Girls club in the town where he lives.He is STILL a member of the Rotary Club, was a founder of not 1 but 2 local banks. He owned the Coca-Cola companies in the state we live in.He gave generously to over 100 charity's faithfully.A man who attended church every Sunday, and when he got to where he couldn't get around as well, watched sermons on TV.(Heart cracks a bit more).A man with a very dry sense of humor,but when he did find something to be funny, his laughter was enchanting.He never wanted anyone to wait on him,even up until 2 weeks ago when he started getting sick,he got around with a walker,got up for his own glass of water,bathed him self..he did everything.2 weeks ago he could carry on a conversation just like you or I can. 2 weeks.His mind went quickly.He no longer knows who I am, nor his family.Maybe that's God's way of letting him keep his pride during the humiliation of dying.(Heart now breaks).I don't think I will take on anymore patients once he passes. I have been through this before & it never gets easier.He asked me once if I thought God forgot about him. No,kind man,he didn't forget about you.God knew there were people who needed & loved you, and THEY will never forget about you.Im off tonight,but still I dread hearing the phone ring in the middle of the night. I know it's totally selfish, but I want to be there with him when he closes those Blue eyes for the last time.I want to run my hand across his forehead into his silver hair & let him know it's ok to go.It's ok to meet his wife(she's waiting with loving arms),it's ok to leave the weak,selfish ones like me behind.Im sad because I will miss him so much, but I can't even think of depriving him of the rest he has so gallantly earned.I will miss you my friend. But it's ok to go.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The ripple effect

If you are naive enough to believe BP will have enough money to EVER make this "right", consider this...This is not a picture of Alabama,Louisiana or Mississippi.This is Florida's "Sugar" beach.A whole NEW horizon of destruction.Still think BP can recover? A ship's Captain, a father of four, boarded his vessel & took his own life.Suicide,if you will. Domestic violence has increased 320%!!! on the Gulf Coast.Family's are considering moving away.The GUSHER is far worse than we are being told.Every single day BP adjusts it's estimates of how much oil is contaminating the ocean.ENTIRE species of aquatic life shall die off.Tens of thousands of lawsuits have & will be filed.One thing I have learned as a Private duty Nurse to one of the richest men in N.C. is this: Sometimes NO amount of money can stop nature from running it's course.The man I take care of is dying. All his money can't save him.There is a tropical storm brewing as I type this.If the storm turns into a full blown Hurricane, what in the name of God does BP think they can do? The situation is beyond critical and the way we are being bullshitted is criminal. Louisiana went so far as to STOP people from placing barges to catch the oil, because they didn't have the proper permits!!! This is the most hideous crime against not only Nature, but Man,Woman & Children as well.BP as of yesterday were burning Sea Turtles ALIVE! I hope & pray that the fires of Hell burn as hot for the people responsible for this, as they do on top of our Ocean waters.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sexy hair colors?

Hair color is a huge part of my life. I love the fact that I can change the color when ever the mood hits me.The one thing that always amazes me is the misconception that Blond's have more fun.In my humble opinion..bullshit. Men may be attracted to the fair hairs, but in truth they think the old stereotype holds true..blond women are, shall we say, not so bright.Men love Black hair & the mystery & exotic lure of it. They secretly want to play on the darkside. Most of the men I know do not care for the natural redhead, but throw a sizzling Auburn on them & their knees get weak. They imagine a seductress with a fiery temper & smoldering sexual prowess.When my hair is Black it seems to set men a back.When it's Auburn, I get far more doors opened for me.I was Blond for about 8 years & it seemed to attract a really sleazy class of men..no thanks.Just an observation on a Thursday night.

Pain & beauty

I spent the better part of my day wearing a pair of Stiletto's. There is only 1 reason a sane woman would DO this,(and no i am NOT an Exotic dancer). It is purely for the men we love..remember ladies ALWAYS point that toe! Other women know what we pay for these (it in of it self is ridiculous)I have never put a pair on & said to myself..damn these are comfortable! So men, if your little squeeze wears these..it's for YOU, you damn beasts of visual gratification.

Pervez Hilton

Let me preface by saying I was much happier before I ever knew this kind of Asshat existed on this planet. That being said,his latest round of celeb coat-tailing was aimed at 17 year old Miley Cyrus.It does not matter if you like Miss Cyrus or not. She IS a minor & did not deserve to be exploited on Pervez's Twitter page.He bragged a "crotch shot" which he had photo shopped a pic of Hello Kitty over her actual crotch.Pervez has made his career out of a crap load of lame drawings over real pictures of celebs. My belief is the only reason half the people that follow him, do so just to see if he is slandering,exploiting...them.I HATE seeing his name tweeted, I hate when people draw attention to him. I hate that im even posting this,but this time his childish bullshit is pending criminal investigation.I hope they nail his candy ass.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dance face

EVERYONE who dances does this. Im guilty of having a "dance face", my question is..why? Some pooch their lips out, some bite the lower lip, but no matter what method you use, it is ALWAYS there with you on the dance floor. And it's fucking hilarious to watch.Don't believe me? The next time you get case of happy feet just TRY to dance without making THAT face!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Audie Murphy

Dig this. This Texas farm boy enlisted in the Army in 1942.His sister signed his papers even though he wasn't old enough to fight.Just weeks past his 17th birthday.The dude was 5'5" tall, and 110 pounds soaking wet.The Navy,the Air corps & the Marines all turned him away because he was so little.From 1943 to his discharge in France in June 1945 Murphy earned a staggering 33 medals for valor & performance from the United States,5 from the French government and 1 from Belgium.He destroyed 6 German tanks,and SINGLE-handedly killed more than 240 enemy soldiers in ONE encounter.He was awarded the Medal of Honor, Distinguished service Cross,3 Purple Hearts , 2 Silver Stars,2 Bronze stars among many others, and the highest awards from both France & Belgium. All before his 21st birthday. Murphy died( ironically) in a Memorial day plane crash in 19771.He is buried at Arlington Cemetery. So what have you done today?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Penis & Condom giggles

I was at CVS today and spotted a pack of Condoms labeled SLENDER. Are you kidding me? No man is going to pull out the lil magic "get laid" card that has SLENDER emblazoned all over it. It's almost as much of a deal breaker as the SUPER MAGNUM. And for your added enjoyment..dig this http://www.trojancondoms.org/index.php/average-penis-size-with-survey-charts-pics-and-graphs/

Dawn dish liquid

There is not a lot that everyday average people like you & I can do about the offshore slaughter going on in the Gulf coastal region. There is one thing we can all do to help. Dawn dish liquid is what they use to bathe the animals in to remove the toxic oil deposits.Mad props to Dawn for donating $1.00 for every bottle sold,to help the oil clean up globally.They were doing this long before the latest assault on nature by man.

Christian Kane

This is something new to me that recently caught my eye. Not only is he hotter than Satan's ass,his voice is like a hot whisper, dripping with total come fuck me overtones.Im smitten. For now anyway.I'll rob the cradle..he can rob the grave.

Cheating revisited

Once again I have to ask the question,why the hell are people so concerned about who's nailing who? Why do we all act SO shocked?Every Hollyweird star that signs on to do a movie with another star, ends up in the rack.That chemistry excuse is getting a tad wore out. Fact is people are horny creatures with no regard to others feelings. Todays generation views vows as retractable. Truth be known, we ALL have friends & neighbors that indulge in the very thing the celebs do.Jenn Aniston was the last Hollyweird "sweetheart" that was dissed when Angelina started sporting penis rides from good ol boy Brad Pitt.Tiger Woods is no sex addict, he's a lonely guy who's wife is busy raising his kids..he's also a "spank me" kinda freak.Jesse James ..well he's a bad boy, Sandra must be a lil freakette herself,I doubt missionary was seldom used in that roll in the hay.Get the fuck over it folks. The world is a sexy, sleezy, sensual place.As I said before time & time again..Let the first of you that are saints throw the stones. Otherwise...SO WHAT???

It's in his kiss

The one true way to find out if it's the real deal may be a bit sappy..but it's gospel.I always said I would know when I found my true love ,when that certain someone held my face with both hands & lifted it up to lay a passionate lip lock on me. I have found that man.Forget the ones that purse their lips so tight it's like kissing a rock.And what about the sloppy droolers..ew. kiss me slobber lips, I can swim.Nope..I gotta stick to what I know to be true,IT IS in his KISS,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Illegal Mexicans in America

This is a very hot topic right now. If your against the border being secured you are considered a racist.If your pro allowing illegal aliens in, your a bleeding heart liberal.Well dig this.Unless you actually LIVE in the United States you don't have a dog in this fight.The illegal aliens that are holding signs, shouting the U.S. is unfair to immigrants are over looking one small thing. The Constitution of the United States. It protects CITIZENS of the U.S.A., NOT illegal aliens.My grandparents came from Italy through Ellis Island.Their names are on the wall at the Statue of Liberty. They became citizens, learned the language, they did it RIGHT. We never had to "press 1 for English,2 for Italian." Nor for German,Chinese,Korean,Etc... We never had to change our way, (the American way of life) to accommodate a whole new culture of people.I am not against Mexicans becoming citizens. I am without remorse against the drug dealers that invade our border towns & rain down complete havoc and mayhem there.The illegals that take our construction jobs & send their paychecks back to Mexico every payday.Charlotte NC recently had to pass a law to limit 6 (six) families per dwelling.No they are placing soldiers on the border, complete with live ammo.It's about time. If you want to live in the United States, do it the way it is supposed to be done.Ted Nuget said it best, he doesn't need fences, no one invades his space, they know they will be shot.I do not care who this pisses off, i am pretty damn mad myself.


17 Countries have offered help to BP with the oil clean up.Holland has cleaned up oil spills from various sources,no one has asked them to help,and they HAVE offered.The President has done a piss poor job of doing anything to protect our coastal regions.Lives will and have changed from this point on, for generations to come.I can't see how this was allowed to go on for 40 days!!!! BP should be boycotted by every person who uses their products. If you have a BP gas card..SHRED it.Send a message to the company that cares so little about Human & Animal life.The whole scenario is beyond comprehension. BP should be held accountable for every hardship,loss of income,loss of life,loss of quality of life..nothing short of the true definition of crimes against nature.It is sickening how little our OWN Government is doing to help clean up this reprehensible mess. DO SOMETHING NOW! No more excuses.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

These are Apehanger handle bars.They are the reason people my age have torn Rotator cuffs,Carpel tunnel,poor circulation etc.. but back in the day, they were STATUS. I saw a group of kids out riding today & they were sporting said handle bars. Some had the real deal whilst others sported the less uncomfortable baby apes. They were on Harleys instead of ricers, it seems kids now a days are going back to old school.This makes me happy in one aspect, yet disturbs me in another. I can't tell my Sons or Grandsons not to do something, when I did the EXACT same thing 20 or 30 years ago...oh wait. I STILL DO that stuff.History it seems will repeat itself.No doubt.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Lets make this HAPPEN

I have a friend who has a request. Quite simply Emiko & her fiance Chris want to get married on The Virgin Atlantic, the same place where Chris proposed.You can help this happen by following Emiko @emikomusic on Twitter & re-tweeting her request to @VirginAtlantic & @RichardBranson & let them know what the couple would like to do! Please check her out & follow her music as well, it is truly as beautiful as she is. Lets make this HAPPEN! http://www.emikomusic.com/ Much love my friend.

Teacher beats up student

In this video you will see a grown woman, a Teacher no less,hit a student.The Teacher got fed up with the boy making fun of a handicapped girl,taunting her to hit him. The word "Teacher" carries a lot of weight.As a parent,Im furious.As a woman,Im appalled. No doubt something should have been done to correct the boy,but acting as disgracefully as the child is not the answer.This is yet another example of parents slacking at their job.Kids learn ridicule at home.Kids learn disrespect for others,at home.You should read the comments on you tube under this video.We live in an angry world, our kids can't control the anger so they act out.Back in the day a Teacher would have called the parent,now a days,that probably would have gotten the Teacher punched in the face by an irate mother or father. I raised 4 children & NEVER put a hand on them.People do NOT have the right to hit other people. I don't care if it's a man hitting a woman, a woman hitting a man or ANYONE hitting a child.RESPECT begets respect.Fear begets violence.Unless parents resume the primary role of Teacher things will never change.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Domestic Violence

Venus Stewart,a beautiful,vibrant mother of two young children,went out to her mailbox to put a letter in. They are now searching a near by lake for her body. Her ex husband has been making threats,she told her friend he threatened to kill her & go back for the kids. This happened at 7am this morning.Once again a mother,wife,daughter,sister,aunt..you pick the noun, has been executed by a man that swore a vow to love & protect.The woman was in her pajamas and slippers, there were signs of a struggle & eye witnesses. This is just one of the cases that is getting public attention, while there are hundreds if not thousands of cases we never hear about.When are the law makers going to start protecting women? A restraining order is a joke. I know because I have had them.It is a useless document,it does not protect anyone.I was beaten half to death while my ex was under a restraining order.I finally had to leave the state. My question to any man that has laid his hands on a woman,because she has left the relationship,...is why? What snaps inside of you that makes you think you have the right to harm another? Why do our laws slap the wrists of these neanderthals? People often ask why women stay in this type of abusive relationship.The options are not that great. The woman often has to leave her home, go to a "safe house" or domestic shelter,while the man continues his threats.What is it going to take before our women are protected? Yardley Love, 22 years, old a student. Beaten to death allegedly by her boyfriend.Another case that's in the public eye. There is an epidemic of mammoth proportions and very little is being done to stop it.If you are an abused woman,and you need help,PLEASE,do not settle for the beatings & abuse. PLEASE seek help.If your abuser is making death threats TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY.I have said this before, if you have no one else that can help you. If you can't trust the people in your life(him,his family etc...) If you are afraid to get help in your hometown, reach out to other sources.I can be contacted on twitter @razormuses and I PROMISE I will discreetly help you find the help you need. I have helped several women start over.I had to find my own way out, but I did & I learned a lot.For your sake, for your children's sake..get the hell out! Don't be the next headline.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


There is something very disturbing going on with our kids. This is not new. It is sometimes referred to as home schooling,but has taken on a new twist. It is called Un-schooling. The term fairly well describes the nature of it.The main difference is they take the concept a lot further.Not only are there no books or curriculum involved, but there is NO discipline what so ever.The children in these families are allowed to make all their own decisions. Parents, more or less, are there only to supply shelter & food.There are no consequences for bad behavior,no rules,chores or any other kind of structured child raising. A two year old would sit in a diaper full of crap all day if you let them, I have frequently asked the kids I care for "do you want your diaper changed?" the answer is always "no". But if these un-schooled kids say "no", then they have the right to sit in crap until they desire a change.I know that is a drastic example, but seriously, kids not getting an education is even more drastic. Who is going to hire these kids? What kind of jobs will they be able to acquire? I am very open minded, but this is insanity even to me.These children all love the concept of no rules..of course they do, what kid is going to say "Hey,punish me please." What child wouldn't love to set their own bedtime, not have to do chores or be responsible for anything.One parent was asked what their child did all day, her answer was, "He watches T.V or plays games on the computer." Can you imagine the lives these children will have to look forward to? I may be wrong, and this is just MY point of view, but if this catches on, we are in serious trouble as a nation.I suppose it wouldn't be the first generation to sign their name with an X, but this isn't the 1800's anymore.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Face of deciet

I wasn't going to do this blog, but the more that comes out about the affair with the Nazi porn skank,I just have to.The way this woman has already sold her "story" is yet another slap in the face to Sandra Bullock.If Jesse James accepts one penny from her if this goes to divorce, it just reinforces the caliber of scumbag that he really is.Sad as it is, this is the nature of Hollywierd.Why do famous people cheat with common trash? We know why the sleezy women do it, MONEY. They get their claim to fame by destroying marriages & families. Im sure her mother is so proud.Michelle McGee Is about the most reprehensible excuse for a woman as I have ever seen. I won't post her pic here as shes makes me sick to my stomach, but feel free to check her out at http://www.shanepowers.com/

Monday, March 15, 2010

And it gets deep in here.....

The picture you see here is supposed to be Jodi Barish. AKA: @jodifuckingrocks, @jodifuckingrules & now, jodifucking-lies. But this is not any of those people.There is an account on twitter where her name is @dollchelsea a supposedly innocent college girl.Jodi posted a link to myspace the other day announcing that someone had found her "twin" & swore it was not her.The girls name on the account was Paige..something, I dont recall the last name. today the account is listed under the chelsea name. http://www.myspace.com/dollfaace & this is now in her "ABOUT ME" SECTION ON THE FRONT PAGE, IT WAS not THERE THE OTHER DAY! THE FOLLOWING IS WHAT IT SEZ:About me:

if you dont know me. please dont judge me..

my last name is REALLY DOLL
I currently attend MCC.
I am trying really hard to find my niche in life.
I feel that forgiveness is one of the most important traits in people.
I have made mistakes, who hasn't.
My goals and dreams seem to be endless.
I am an extremely POSITIVE person.
I feel that friends are mandatory.
If there is one last wish I had in life, I would wish that more people would actually try to get to know me as a person, instead of assume false accusations.

THAT being said...this is a continuation of the bullshit that was fed to all of us the believed in her, encouraged her thru "nursing school", cared about her because she had no parents. We met her brother Jeremy, her grandmother..all thru immaculate triads of tweets. Her name is Lynn. Thats all i DO know.Do i forgive her for fucking hard with me emotionally? Of course. I have to forgive to be forgiven.She almost mane me hate Shane Powers when she cried on my shoulder about how she cammed for him & he slighted her. @iamshanemorris stood up for Jodi to the point where he told an emotional young woman to go commit suicide (imagine if she HAD). Lynn, Im still in shock that you let it go so far.But I am a good woman, a REAL woman,and if you need to talk, I will be here for you. But as far as trust goes you will have to earn it. This has really shook up a lot of people & planted the seeds of doubt in many minds. Just WHO are the people we get involved with on social networks? #MINDBlOWING

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Douche bag Du jour

We all know one,the abusive son of a bitch that makes our kids lives unbearable.If your the parent of a beautiful daughter, who happens to have a lousy knack of picking the wrong guy,then you know what I am talking about.He starts out as Mr. wonderful, let 6 months go by and revisit Mr. wonderful & chances are you will find Mr.Obsessive,Mr.Controlling,Mr.Temper tantrum etc... I have my own cross to bear in this department, but im dealing with it, When it comes to my kids though, I just have no patience for abuse.Gabe dear..you have screwed up. you smashed her phone so she couldn't call me for help. Thank god her neighbor witnessed your little fit & offered her phone. I was there within 20 minutes (with a new phone for her) by the time I got there you were gone. Smart boy.I think it's time for all abused women to stand up and say ENOUGH! Why do we always have to be the ones to move out or start over just because the person we once adored becomes an abuser? It does not have to be physical either. The person im with knows better than to raise his hands to me.But mental abuse is just as bad.I think i have found the reason for my abuse. It is so I can get out of my situation & help other women get out of theirs.A woman empowered by the success of another woman is awesome.This has been an on going issue in my life & now in my daughters, it stops today.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Smoking in public

The smoking ban has hit epic proportions. It has even hit here in the little back woods hole in the wall I call home.I can understand the fact it is unhealthy, but there isn't enough room here for me to list ALL the things in our lives that can potentially kill us.The worst part is the non- smokers are STILL allowed to bring their brats to restaurants, which I find far more offensive than cigarette smokers.Have you ever sat at a table, and right next to you is a table of "free thinking" parents,who let their kids run a muck? I will find a place where in this "free" country, we are still allowed to make our own choices, good or bad.North Carolina has what is referred to as a "sin tax". It put high taxes on Cigs, alcohol,tanning beds, artificial finger nail establishments, boating & recreational activities, anything that isn't considered every day living.The ironic thing here is N.C. is known for it's tobacco crops. which has left me asking WTF?

Friday, March 5, 2010

3 RI cops charged in cocaine-dealing operation

Found this off of AP Press: SCITUATE, R.I. – Three Providence police officers, including a narcotics detective and a school resource officer, were arrested Thursday on charges that they helped with a cocaine-dealing operation.

Detective Joseph Colanduono, Patrolman Robert Hamlin and Sergeant Steven Gonsalves were arrested at police headquarters and have been suspended without pay, said Providence Police Chief Dean Esserman, who called it a "hard day" for his department. The officers either used the cocaine or helped arrange the drug deals, police said.
More reasons that cops suck.