17 Countries have offered help to BP with the oil clean up.Holland has cleaned up oil spills from various sources,no one has asked them to help,and they HAVE offered.The President has done a piss poor job of doing anything to protect our coastal regions.Lives will and have changed from this point on, for generations to come.I can't see how this was allowed to go on for 40 days!!!! BP should be boycotted by every person who uses their products. If you have a BP gas card..SHRED it.Send a message to the company that cares so little about Human & Animal life.The whole scenario is beyond comprehension. BP should be held accountable for every hardship,loss of income,loss of life,loss of quality of life..nothing short of the true definition of crimes against nature.It is sickening how little our OWN Government is doing to help clean up this reprehensible mess. DO SOMETHING NOW! No more excuses.
It is unbelievable that it has lasted this long and oil keeps spilling. I think that it's time to find alternate resources, this should be a wake up call! If this isn't nothing will be.