We all know one,the abusive son of a bitch that makes our kids lives unbearable.If your the parent of a beautiful daughter, who happens to have a lousy knack of picking the wrong guy,then you know what I am talking about.He starts out as Mr. wonderful, let 6 months go by and revisit Mr. wonderful & chances are you will find Mr.Obsessive,Mr.Controlling,Mr.Temper tantrum etc... I have my own cross to bear in this department, but im dealing with it, When it comes to my kids though, I just have no patience for abuse.Gabe dear..you have screwed up. you smashed her phone so she couldn't call me for help. Thank god her neighbor witnessed your little fit & offered her phone. I was there within 20 minutes (with a new phone for her) by the time I got there you were gone. Smart boy.I think it's time for all abused women to stand up and say ENOUGH! Why do we always have to be the ones to move out or start over just because the person we once adored becomes an abuser? It does not have to be physical either. The person im with knows better than to raise his hands to me.But mental abuse is just as bad.I think i have found the reason for my abuse. It is so I can get out of my situation & help other women get out of theirs.A woman empowered by the success of another woman is awesome.This has been an on going issue in my life & now in my daughters, it stops today.
Go for it.