If you are naive enough to believe BP will have enough money to EVER make this "right", consider this...This is not a picture of Alabama,Louisiana or Mississippi.This is Florida's "Sugar" beach.A whole NEW horizon of destruction.Still think BP can recover? A ship's Captain, a father of four, boarded his vessel & took his own life.Suicide,if you will. Domestic violence has increased 320%!!! on the Gulf Coast.Family's are considering moving away.The GUSHER is far worse than we are being told.Every single day BP adjusts it's estimates of how much oil is contaminating the ocean.ENTIRE species of aquatic life shall die off.Tens of thousands of lawsuits have & will be filed.One thing I have learned as a Private duty Nurse to one of the richest men in N.C. is this: Sometimes NO amount of money can stop nature from running it's course.The man I take care of is dying. All his money can't save him.There is a tropical storm brewing as I type this.If the storm turns into a full blown Hurricane, what in the name of God does BP think they can do? The situation is beyond critical and the way we are being bullshitted is criminal. Louisiana went so far as to STOP people from placing barges to catch the oil, because they didn't have the proper permits!!! This is the most hideous crime against not only Nature, but Man,Woman & Children as well.BP as of yesterday were burning Sea Turtles ALIVE! I hope & pray that the fires of Hell burn as hot for the people responsible for this, as they do on top of our Ocean waters.
It is disgusting what is happening and the money from BP should be taken now before there isn't any left. You are right if they wait there will be nothing and they can just claim bankruptcy and start a new company with a new name.