Friday, June 18, 2010

Pervez Hilton

Let me preface by saying I was much happier before I ever knew this kind of Asshat existed on this planet. That being said,his latest round of celeb coat-tailing was aimed at 17 year old Miley Cyrus.It does not matter if you like Miss Cyrus or not. She IS a minor & did not deserve to be exploited on Pervez's Twitter page.He bragged a "crotch shot" which he had photo shopped a pic of Hello Kitty over her actual crotch.Pervez has made his career out of a crap load of lame drawings over real pictures of celebs. My belief is the only reason half the people that follow him, do so just to see if he is slandering,exploiting...them.I HATE seeing his name tweeted, I hate when people draw attention to him. I hate that im even posting this,but this time his childish bullshit is pending criminal investigation.I hope they nail his candy ass.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know him until twitter either, and I too, am very sorry I know about him. This story angered me too and I ranted on twitter after watching it on 'The View' this week. I' He loves the negative attention. That's how he became famous. I'm back to ignoring the idiot.
