Sunday, December 13, 2009

If ur gonna ride my ass,at least pull my hair

On my way home from work tonight, it was so foggy you couldn't see the lines on the road. I go home on a unlit country road that at this time of year the Deer run rampant,I grazed one about a month ago.No damage to SUV, but there was a tuft of hair and a small bit of blood.But I digress, there was one lone jackass on the road & he thought just because he was following MY taillights so closely,the vision ahead must be just dandy.Twas NOT.Mind you im on 80 mg of steroids (still) & at this point I could become a bit of a jackass too.I was doing 45 mph which under the circumstances was more than enough.So no Mr.(or Mrs.) "i wanna see what kind of gun u carry"(it's a Bersa 380 Thunder) Turn their high beam lights on me.(and get closer still) Mind you again, i STILL have tubes in my chest & don't need to be fist fighting on an empty stretch of road.I could bleed out in a Nano second.So i do the next best thing, i call my daughter & tell her to not answer my next call. I called her phone and SCREAMED at her voice mail. It may have saved a life.High beams are now FLASHING on & off at me.Finally Mr. or Mrs. jackass decide to turn off. Concord NC has the worst & most dangerous drivers around. Even on a good day, this road is 55mph and they either do 35 or 75, pick yer poison.They ride your ass,pass on a solid line,cut you off,don't use turn signals (redneck vehicles are not standard with them)or just plain run into you.So you dumb bastards who were on my ass tonight, you better be damn happy i was not roid raging, you got me close to it, but my life is going so well right now,even you couldn't screw it up.Be thankful i love my family,have a gentler heart than i did even a short month ago,and no i was not carring my evil twin "roxanne" (the 380). Go to church Sunday,donate to charity,or just do something nice for someone. You have NO idea how badly tonight could have turned out over you being so ignorant.

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