It has been a minute since I have blogged about anything. The world is a weird place these days. My mother always told me; If you cant say anything nice, say nothing at all. The News has jaded me. Every day yet another child is abused or even worse,killed often by someone they love & trust. Women remain in terror of their "loving" spouses and those of you that know me know Im an avid beast where abuse is concerned.I would love to write about happy things but that just isn't the norm these days. We all have our happy moments but brush off all the sadness & terror that others have to live through.I love my life,love my family & love so many aspects of human nature, it really bums me out that unless the bad things are happening to US, we seldom care.I'm going to get back into writing, hopefully finding happier things to blog about.For now..Peace,love & light. Pay it forward & don't be a one likes a vinegar sack ;)
Gogeta421 misses you..not in my facebookfriends :(