Thursday, August 13, 2009

First,last & only comment on Miley

I am by no means "old fashioned". I like to think I am fairly open minded. But the way Miss Cyrus carries herself in public is really just a glimpse of another Britney waiting to happen. I will bet money she does a Playboy spread before she is 22. Shame on her parents for letting her expose herself in such a manner. Billy Ray, is your career so tanked you need to pimp your kid out? Normally I wouldn't give a rats ass about "Hollywierds" kids gone wild, but I have a grand daughter that thinks Miley is the end all. All the suzy cream cheese crap she portrays on the Disney channel & in her movies is very misleading to a lot of parents who are looking for a good role model for their impressionable "tweens". Trust me..Miley Cyrus isn't it. I would rather my grand daughter look up to someone like Lindsey Lohan, at least she is straight up about who she is. I can't believe I am in here trashing a 16 year old, but for the record, it didn't take much..she already had a running start. Miley, this is what people who have no real or lasting talent do. Yes dear..Sex sells.


  1. Grand daughter? You gotta be the hottest grandma ever!

  2. Hahaha im a great grandmother too :)) and thank you!
