Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I have been on twitter a little over a month. I have met some fantastic people there. These are people i would have never crossed paths with in my real life, but now they are dear friends and almost like family. I worry about the one with the earache, I feel sad for the one who's uncle passed away. I can relate to the one who's job is hard and tiring. I get feed back and info from the ones who's lifestyles are so different from mine. I follow ones golf games, I pray for the ones that are sick, and rejoice for the ones that have found love & light. There is also another side of the twitter deal that bothers me. I spoke to someone once and they warned me about 2 people that i tweet with. Mind you, she calls them "babe" and is sweet as hell when she tweets them. I suspect there is a jealousy going on, but thats not my business. Why are people so critical of others? we are all human, no one is perfect. What do people get out of broadcasting other peoples business? How would WE feel if everyday our personal failures or love lives were told to the world? no one should feel bad for the way they are in this life. Fat, thin, bald, short, tall,white,black, straight ,gay..whatever...live and let live! Does it make one feel better to belittle someone else? The people i have met are total strangers to me, but they are so supportive of me and each other. If you really want to meet some outstanding examples of 100% real people go to my twitter page and follow my ones that i follow. i only have 23 followers since i locked my account, but they are the best you will find anywhere. I just felt the need to let this out. thx for taking the time to read.


  1. I love you...that's all

  2. I am so grateful to twitter. I hav met such interesting and wonderul people there, and certainly people I would never have interacted with oterwise. It's so interesting sharing and listening to other viewpoints and experiences. I have alot of followers and people I follow, but I do have to say that I robably have a core group of 20-30 pple that I really care about. You are definitely one and at the top of that list lady :)

  3. yup firelass..i have a few that are very dear to me!..and you all know who you are.
