Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I have been on twitter a little over a month. I have met some fantastic people there. These are people i would have never crossed paths with in my real life, but now they are dear friends and almost like family. I worry about the one with the earache, I feel sad for the one who's uncle passed away. I can relate to the one who's job is hard and tiring. I get feed back and info from the ones who's lifestyles are so different from mine. I follow ones golf games, I pray for the ones that are sick, and rejoice for the ones that have found love & light. There is also another side of the twitter deal that bothers me. I spoke to someone once and they warned me about 2 people that i tweet with. Mind you, she calls them "babe" and is sweet as hell when she tweets them. I suspect there is a jealousy going on, but thats not my business. Why are people so critical of others? we are all human, no one is perfect. What do people get out of broadcasting other peoples business? How would WE feel if everyday our personal failures or love lives were told to the world? no one should feel bad for the way they are in this life. Fat, thin, bald, short, tall,white,black, straight ,gay..whatever...live and let live! Does it make one feel better to belittle someone else? The people i have met are total strangers to me, but they are so supportive of me and each other. If you really want to meet some outstanding examples of 100% real people go to my twitter page and follow my ones that i follow. i only have 23 followers since i locked my account, but they are the best you will find anywhere. I just felt the need to let this out. thx for taking the time to read.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Condoms are your friend

This is inspired by a convo i saw the other night. If your a man who refuses to wear a condom when asked, then you are part of a still growing problem. Hiv has not gone away. There are people being infected at alarming rates. Media is partially to blame. You can see commercials all day long for Tampons, Prostrate, vaginal care, Viagra,Cialis etc..but the condom commercials are few & far between. The two fastest growing populations for infection are the 19-35 age group and the 55-70 year olds! (thx to Viagra). Aside from being totally irresponsible, it's not fair to your unsuspecting partner. So as far as i am concerned ladies, it's up to you. If he refuses to wear a condom, then no sex! Period.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

First,last & only comment on Miley

I am by no means "old fashioned". I like to think I am fairly open minded. But the way Miss Cyrus carries herself in public is really just a glimpse of another Britney waiting to happen. I will bet money she does a Playboy spread before she is 22. Shame on her parents for letting her expose herself in such a manner. Billy Ray, is your career so tanked you need to pimp your kid out? Normally I wouldn't give a rats ass about "Hollywierds" kids gone wild, but I have a grand daughter that thinks Miley is the end all. All the suzy cream cheese crap she portrays on the Disney channel & in her movies is very misleading to a lot of parents who are looking for a good role model for their impressionable "tweens". Trust me..Miley Cyrus isn't it. I would rather my grand daughter look up to someone like Lindsey Lohan, at least she is straight up about who she is. I can't believe I am in here trashing a 16 year old, but for the record, it didn't take much..she already had a running start. Miley, this is what people who have no real or lasting talent do. Yes dear..Sex sells.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Banned Cartoons

I make no secret of the fact that i am a Grandmother, in fact a great grandmother as well. The other day while the kids were watching "Baby Einstein" dvd's for the umpteenth time, I decided to find some of the old cartoons from my childhood to share with them. Imagine my surprise when I find out that all of my favorites are now BANNED! Thats right, they are now politically incorrect. With titles such as: Popeye's "Your a sap,Mr. Jap." WWll's Disney offering "Der Fuhrer's face." Bugs Bunny's "Tokio-Jokio." Tex Avery's "Red hot riding hood" Sylvester & Tweety "Satan's waitin" ...and the list goes on. My personal fav "Little black Sambo" is an absolute no-no. A whole generation was raised on these cartoons, that seemed to be nothing but political. I can see now how so many people from my generation are racist. It was drilled into our lil heads in the form of entertainment. I do not condone them being banned though. Sadly so much of our early history was so bad, the powers that be don't see fit to let parents decide what to expose (or not) their children to. I would like to think i have enough sense to let my older kids watch them, without them becoming skinheads, gay bashers, or racist. This really pisses me off that the Government feels a need to police freeking cartoons. It scares me as to what may be next.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Man blames cat for child porn downloads

Keith Griffin of Jensen Beach Florida, is charged with 10 counts of possession of child pornography after detectives found more than 1,000 images on his home computer. Jensen maintains that he was downloading music when he left the room. He claims his cat must have walked across the keyboard, downloading the child porn.Perhaps the cat thought it was "kitty porn". This loser needs to be locked up and the key fed to his kitty cat.