I haven't been asleep yet tonight. I sat on the floor by my daughters bed & balled my eyes out as she was weeping in her sleep.The victim of domestic violence. I should have seen this coming. I KNOW the signs. I have lived that nightmare in my own life, but she's to sweet,to gentle,to kind hearted to know how to defend herself.This was the man that was so sick last year with some weird disease,he had seizures,couldn't even feed himself,cried like a baby because he thought she was going to leave him.I wish she had. Every time he thought she was going to leave he faked a seizure to make her feel guilty & stay.Now the disgusting part.CONTROL.He moved her 100 miles from her friends & family.She wasn't allowed to answer her phone when anyone of our family called her.If she went to the grocery store she had to be home within 20 minutes or he would start blowing up her phone.She wasn't allowed to dye her hair,had to remove all her piercings (including earrings) No make-up was allowed..ever.she had to keep her phone on vibrate in case one of us called or texted her so he didnt hear it. Now my 2 grandsons. One he hates. the other he favors.the older one was CONSTANTLY punished.Had to rush thru his meals to take HIS dogs out.I gave them a WII last christmas, of course that was taken away immediately.The Laptop I gave my grandson is sitting here smashed, as is my daughters cell phone,and the side of her PC kicked in.It all came to a head last week. I got a call from him telling me I had better come get her (he took her car keys)I told him to have her call me,(he was calling from her phone) He said she didn't have a phone anymore & hung up.I could hear her crying in the background. I called her phone back & to him "If I don't get a call from my daughter in the next 5 minutes, I was sending the police to her house" I didn't get a call. I called the Gaston Co. police. they went to her house,knocked on the door & while he was choking her THEY LEFT!!!!!! because he wouldn't open the door.He choked her twice,punched her in the face & spit in her face twice.She walked 2 miles in a torrential down pour to a nieces house to get away from him (with the boys).from there an officer took her to a safe house till i could get there.she pressed assault charges.The magistrate told us to drive by his house & see if he was there. he was. they told us to call them & they would come arrest him so she could get her clothes & the kids stuff.we called the cops & confirmed he was there. the Sgt called me back & told me they had been out there twice that day to arrest him but no one was there. he was hiding.the Sgt then told me he wasnt wasting his time coming out to the house,I was furious, and asked for his name then hung up the phone. a few seconds later he called back & said they were on their way. When the officers got there they looked around & said he wasn't there. I got a lecture about how I wasted his precious time. I asked if he would stay while i climbed thru a window & made sure he wasn't there...at least they did that.I removed the screen, then popped the window out & stuck my leg thru. the little bastard knocked me back out the window..THEN the cops flew in on the place.He faked a seizure so they would call an ambulance.he stayed at the hosp till around 3am. the magistrate promised no bond.he went to jail & was bonded out (unsecured) by 5pm the next day.This is an extremely violent misogynistic,insecure,Napoleon complexed NAZI son of a whore.The fact that he so brutally abused & brainwashed my daughter has me FURIOUS, and before it's over I may go to jail.Im ok with that. I am beside myself that i just didnt go get her when I saw this starting,but moms cant just do that.I know this is a hella rant, but i plead with all you mothers & dads out there, if your gut tells you something..LISTEN to it. my daughter is a precious young woman who wouldn't hurt a fly. this bastard locked her Chihuahua in a cage & starved it half to death..but sophie is gonna be fine, she's eating to her hearts content.As for me, im not so fine. The things I have in my heart are so unlike me. I want revenge. I want pain,hurt & destruction to come to him..but I cant do that.I have to be here for her to help mend a broken spirit.This too shall pass. Peace.