Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Illegal Mexicans in America

This is a very hot topic right now. If your against the border being secured you are considered a racist.If your pro allowing illegal aliens in, your a bleeding heart liberal.Well dig this.Unless you actually LIVE in the United States you don't have a dog in this fight.The illegal aliens that are holding signs, shouting the U.S. is unfair to immigrants are over looking one small thing. The Constitution of the United States. It protects CITIZENS of the U.S.A., NOT illegal aliens.My grandparents came from Italy through Ellis Island.Their names are on the wall at the Statue of Liberty. They became citizens, learned the language, they did it RIGHT. We never had to "press 1 for English,2 for Italian." Nor for German,Chinese,Korean,Etc... We never had to change our way, (the American way of life) to accommodate a whole new culture of people.I am not against Mexicans becoming citizens. I am without remorse against the drug dealers that invade our border towns & rain down complete havoc and mayhem there.The illegals that take our construction jobs & send their paychecks back to Mexico every payday.Charlotte NC recently had to pass a law to limit 6 (six) families per dwelling.No they are placing soldiers on the border, complete with live ammo.It's about time. If you want to live in the United States, do it the way it is supposed to be done.Ted Nuget said it best, he doesn't need fences, no one invades his space, they know they will be shot.I do not care who this pisses off, i am pretty damn mad myself.


17 Countries have offered help to BP with the oil clean up.Holland has cleaned up oil spills from various sources,no one has asked them to help,and they HAVE offered.The President has done a piss poor job of doing anything to protect our coastal regions.Lives will and have changed from this point on, for generations to come.I can't see how this was allowed to go on for 40 days!!!! BP should be boycotted by every person who uses their products. If you have a BP gas card..SHRED it.Send a message to the company that cares so little about Human & Animal life.The whole scenario is beyond comprehension. BP should be held accountable for every hardship,loss of income,loss of life,loss of quality of life..nothing short of the true definition of crimes against nature.It is sickening how little our OWN Government is doing to help clean up this reprehensible mess. DO SOMETHING NOW! No more excuses.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

These are Apehanger handle bars.They are the reason people my age have torn Rotator cuffs,Carpel tunnel,poor circulation etc.. but back in the day, they were STATUS. I saw a group of kids out riding today & they were sporting said handle bars. Some had the real deal whilst others sported the less uncomfortable baby apes. They were on Harleys instead of ricers, it seems kids now a days are going back to old school.This makes me happy in one aspect, yet disturbs me in another. I can't tell my Sons or Grandsons not to do something, when I did the EXACT same thing 20 or 30 years ago...oh wait. I STILL DO that stuff.History it seems will repeat itself.No doubt.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Lets make this HAPPEN

I have a friend who has a request. Quite simply Emiko & her fiance Chris want to get married on The Virgin Atlantic, the same place where Chris proposed.You can help this happen by following Emiko @emikomusic on Twitter & re-tweeting her request to @VirginAtlantic & @RichardBranson & let them know what the couple would like to do! Please check her out & follow her music as well, it is truly as beautiful as she is. Lets make this HAPPEN! Much love my friend.

Teacher beats up student

In this video you will see a grown woman, a Teacher no less,hit a student.The Teacher got fed up with the boy making fun of a handicapped girl,taunting her to hit him. The word "Teacher" carries a lot of weight.As a parent,Im furious.As a woman,Im appalled. No doubt something should have been done to correct the boy,but acting as disgracefully as the child is not the answer.This is yet another example of parents slacking at their job.Kids learn ridicule at home.Kids learn disrespect for others,at home.You should read the comments on you tube under this video.We live in an angry world, our kids can't control the anger so they act out.Back in the day a Teacher would have called the parent,now a days,that probably would have gotten the Teacher punched in the face by an irate mother or father. I raised 4 children & NEVER put a hand on them.People do NOT have the right to hit other people. I don't care if it's a man hitting a woman, a woman hitting a man or ANYONE hitting a child.RESPECT begets respect.Fear begets violence.Unless parents resume the primary role of Teacher things will never change.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Domestic Violence

Venus Stewart,a beautiful,vibrant mother of two young children,went out to her mailbox to put a letter in. They are now searching a near by lake for her body. Her ex husband has been making threats,she told her friend he threatened to kill her & go back for the kids. This happened at 7am this morning.Once again a mother,wife,daughter,sister, pick the noun, has been executed by a man that swore a vow to love & protect.The woman was in her pajamas and slippers, there were signs of a struggle & eye witnesses. This is just one of the cases that is getting public attention, while there are hundreds if not thousands of cases we never hear about.When are the law makers going to start protecting women? A restraining order is a joke. I know because I have had them.It is a useless document,it does not protect anyone.I was beaten half to death while my ex was under a restraining order.I finally had to leave the state. My question to any man that has laid his hands on a woman,because she has left the relationship, why? What snaps inside of you that makes you think you have the right to harm another? Why do our laws slap the wrists of these neanderthals? People often ask why women stay in this type of abusive relationship.The options are not that great. The woman often has to leave her home, go to a "safe house" or domestic shelter,while the man continues his threats.What is it going to take before our women are protected? Yardley Love, 22 years, old a student. Beaten to death allegedly by her boyfriend.Another case that's in the public eye. There is an epidemic of mammoth proportions and very little is being done to stop it.If you are an abused woman,and you need help,PLEASE,do not settle for the beatings & abuse. PLEASE seek help.If your abuser is making death threats TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY.I have said this before, if you have no one else that can help you. If you can't trust the people in your life(him,his family etc...) If you are afraid to get help in your hometown, reach out to other sources.I can be contacted on twitter @razormuses and I PROMISE I will discreetly help you find the help you need. I have helped several women start over.I had to find my own way out, but I did & I learned a lot.For your sake, for your children's sake..get the hell out! Don't be the next headline.