Saturday, July 11, 2009

women of abuse

Ladies this is a serious problem in alot of cultures today. There is NO excuse to stay in an abusive relationship. Abuse comes in more than one form, you don't have to be physically hit to be abused.Mental abuse (controling,name calling,manipulation etc..) these are all forms of abuse. The excuse that "I love him" is just that, an excuse. If you have children in the home, they are learning by your example. The boys will learn to be abusive to women, and the girls will learn to take it. There is no law in this land that sez a woman has to have a man to be complete. Learn who you are, learn to love yourself, because before you can love someone else, you HAVE to love yourself.I know all the excuses, as i have used them myself. Money is usually a huge barrier to a woman leaving a bad relationship/marriage. Divorce is against your religion is another. I am working two jobs and stashing money back like Dillinger on crack. Making the decision to leave is hard, but it's NOT your failure. The abuser has to own this himself.You know you have given all of your heart and soul, let that be enough.Reach out to friends, family, your religious affiliations, womens shelters, or even ME. I am getting out of my situation and i would be more than willing to help someone in need. I have found the parts of myself that i let someone else smother for the last 10 years. It IS possible to get out with both your dignity and life. Please do not "settle" for an unhappy existance. Anyone who needs help with this type of situation, please feel free to contact me If you are in a life threatining situation or just need to blow off steam to a live person who cares, i will make my cell # available follow me on twitter and send me a message, @razorxmuse. No one should have to live this way. There are good men/women out there, but before you can persue any relationship outside of the one your in, you have to "fix you". Only then will you be truly ready to expierence love at it's fullest.


  1. Great post, and so true. I can't tell you how many women/couples we actually know by name or address because we respond (police dispatcher) out to them so regularly.
    Ladies, parents, and men who are more afraid, I guess, of being alone than of leaving. I can tell you all this. IT WILL NOT CHANGE_IT WILL NOT GET BETTER!
    Please reach out and get help. Call the police, clerk of court, churches, they will all have info to help. It takes courage and will be hard, but it's worth it...YOU are worth it.If you have kids, they need you to do this. Don't sentence another generation to this life. so admire the strength and courage it took you to post this and that it must be taking for you to change your situation. And then to try and reach out to others...If you ever need to talk I'm write anytime and I'll send you my cell.

  2. thx to you firelass and others for all the positive feed back...ABUSE must stop. It's my new addiction. To expose it, stop it and help anyone dealing with it. Love does not = a slap in the face or punch in the eye. No woman or man deserves to be mistreated for loving someone.
