Saturday, July 24, 2010

My lil angels

Most people that know me, also know that besides being a private duty Nurse, Im a Nanny to the twins in the picture.These two little imps are 2 1/2 years old & keep me on my toes! Katie is the more dominant of the two. This pic was taken on the deck of the house in Blowing Rock NC. 5 mins after the pic was taken, Katie went over to a bowl full of rain water..of course Jake followed (Pete & repeat)Katie started flicking the water in Jake's face. Jake didn't find this as amusing as Katie did. wait for it... about 2 seconds later Jake dumped the whole bowl of water on Katie.Katie learned a new word that day, one of my personal favorites. Karma.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

More domestic violence

Here we are again.One of my biggest reasons for speaking out has reared it's ugly head yet again.The fact that Mel Gibson is a celebrity has jack to do with it, it's already been established he's a narcissistic,hateful human being.A woman on Larry King said "He did this to the mother of his child". WTF difference should THAT make?? He did "it" to a woman. Period.Knocked two teeth out of her mouth, I have experienced that personally & it takes ungodly force to actually DO that (not a movie punch).The audio rants are venomous attacks,vile to even listen to.This from a man who brought us "The passion of Christ".The only reason I give a rat's ass about him & using him in this blog is maybe...just maybe..some Judge some where will FINALLY make an example out of him. I was more than let down when Mickey Rourke's take on it was "Fuck the bitch".I don't care if she was the most dastardly bitch on the planet,THIS was wrong.Men, learn to walk AWAY! RUN away if you have to, but keep your fucking hands to yourself! I find myself in a bit of a mess over this,normally my stance would be "People don't have the right to lay hands on anyone, male or female" But right about now I'd love nothing more than to beat the wheels off Mel Gibson & any other woman abuser.If you have EVER hit a woman,or verbally abused someone who thought you hung the moon, you too are an asshole of the enth degree.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lindsay Lohan's Lowdown

I swore I wasn't going to do this. Lindsay was never one of my favorite actresses, but then I watched her in a few movies & had a change of heart. I liked her.Sadly she fell into the Hollyweird lifestyle & couldn't handle it. Others like Paris Hilton have secure family backgrounds, Mothers who care,Fathers who are there for them.Lindsay Lohan's parents have their own agenda.Lindsay was hung out to dry. That being said, I do have enormous compassion for a young woman who has gone so far off course, with NO one their to even give a damn. Now on to the really fucked up part. Lohan sat in court balling her eyes out. Not out of remorse for her misdeeds, but clearly for her own selfish losses. 1.)Her party life came to a screeching halt.2.)No friends 3.)No one of value in her life to give a damn. I believe I would cry to.So we all feel outraged that the "bitch" of Judge did her job. Around here you would get 12 months in jail.Period. What about all the court dates she snubbed her nose at? Her great climax? To sit in the Court room with FUCK U painted on her fingernail, for the Judge to see. Apparently she saw it clearly.90 days jail, 90 days rehab.Personally I think she should go to rehab first & experience jail sober.Hollyweird is a forgiving town ie:Robert Downey Jr., Anna Nicole Smith, Britney Spears, even the bastard of a douche Roman Polanski has supporters. Lindsay, if she cleans up can still have a career.The questions that hang heavy in the air..does she want to clean up? CAN she? Or will she just end up as another child star tragedy? I hope not.Everyone has demons to contend with,but before she can start to heal she has to learn to have respect for herself & others.Lindsay I wish you well. I hope you make it through & stand tough.The message on your finger nail states you still have some growing up to do, I hope you live long enough to do it. Peace kiddo.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Women with curves

The posted link is what inspired this blog. All the girls in Hollyweird these days are starving themselves to death to be desirable.I find that gross, disgusting & beyond reason.Why is it that the men that always want this type of "Barbie doll" are usually middle age & really not anything to brag about? Women were ment to be curvy,soft & have bodies different from that of men.I wonder about men that seek out flat chested, bony they secretly desire little boys? Surprisingly it's the older men that have the obsession with the coat rack chicks. I know a lot of younger men that constantly chase after me (Im a woman with curves).Im damn proud of it to. I love my cleavage,the soft curves of my hips & the shape of my ass. Back in the day the real bombshells were women who were built like real T & A ladies. One of the greatest compliments: I bent over & my man said I had a heart shaped ass..& he adored it.So for all the bone babes out there, I feel sorry for you. You get all the shallow men, while ladies of curves get all the top shelf guys.