There is something very disturbing going on with our kids. This is not new. It is sometimes referred to as home schooling,but has taken on a new twist. It is called Un-schooling. The term fairly well describes the nature of it.The main difference is they take the concept a lot further.Not only are there no books or curriculum involved, but there is NO discipline what so ever.The children in these families are allowed to make all their own decisions. Parents, more or less, are there only to supply shelter & food.There are no consequences for bad behavior,no rules,chores or any other kind of structured child raising. A two year old would sit in a diaper full of crap all day if you let them, I have frequently asked the kids I care for "do you want your diaper changed?" the answer is always "no". But if these un-schooled kids say "no", then they have the right to sit in crap until they desire a change.I know that is a drastic example, but seriously, kids not getting an education is even more drastic. Who is going to hire these kids? What kind of jobs will they be able to acquire? I am very open minded, but this is insanity even to me.These children all love the concept of no rules..of course they do, what kid is going to say "Hey,punish me please." What child wouldn't love to set their own bedtime, not have to do chores or be responsible for anything.One parent was asked what their child did all day, her answer was, "He watches T.V or plays games on the computer." Can you imagine the lives these children will have to look forward to? I may be wrong, and this is just MY point of view, but if this catches on, we are in serious trouble as a nation.I suppose it wouldn't be the first generation to sign their name with an X, but this isn't the 1800's anymore.